Ag Forbairt do Ghnó

Graphic with different steps to developing your business

Follow our simple guide and use it to help you grow your business. Have you got these essential process and steps in place? Contact us today and see how we can help!

1. Coincheap

What is your USP?

    • What is your augmented concept? Eg. Standards, instillation, services, warranties, customer care etc.
    • What is your actual product? Features, quality, packaging, brand, style etc.
    • Core Product? Eg benefits of your products

How we can Help

Feasibility study grant aid is available to groups, organisations, businesses or individuals to allow them to assess the viability of a business idea. A significant portion of costs directly related to the feasibility study may be covered. Examples of eligible costs are salaries and wages of the company’s personnel, cost of consultants, related travel and subsistence and any other additional overheads incurred directly as a result of the Feasibility Study.


2. Margadh

What you need to know

  • Who is your customer/target market? Get a clear picture together of their demographic,
  • Market research- what competitor products are out there? What do consumers think of your product/concept, what are the price points, how will you market the product?
  • Are you targeting a new market? How will you reach that market? Is there really demand there?

How we can Help

Grant to develop market research skills-Eligible costs include the wages of those employed to undertake the marketing programme, travel and subsistence, and internal costs in relation to new market trials for products/services.


3. Finances

What you need to know

  • How will this project be financed? Loans, investments, grant aid?
  • Forecasting- after initial market research can you forecast the amount of sale you predict over the next 3 years?

How we can Help

We can connect you to accelerator funding and give you advice in regard to financing. Equity investment is also available from us.


4. Resources

What you need to know

  • What skills do I need for every aspect of the business?
  • Have I got the resources to hire fulltime/part time staff?

How we can Help

  • Consultancy Services grant
  • Employment and training grants

5. Location

What you need to know

  • Where is the optimal place to be located for my business? Do I need to be located close to service providers?
  • Can I strategically locate to optimise eligibility for funding?
  • Does the current facility suit my business’ needs? Do we need to change premises?

How we can Help

  • We have a range of premises for manufacturing and office space across 7 regions and have office or remote working spaces available in the gteic networks.
  • Údarás na Gaeltachta can aid by way of capital grant to enterprises seeking aid for an initial investment for capital expenditure costs.
  • Instances where a proposed investment qualifies as an initial investment include the following:– The setting up of a new establishment
    – The extension of an existing establishment
    – Diversification of the output of an establishment into new, additional products
    – A fundamental change in the overall production process of an existing establishment.

6. Plean

What you need to know

  • Create your business plan to include business information, historical information, objectives, market research, marketing plans, financials etc.

How we can Help

  • We can offer mentoring services to guide you while writing your business plan