This Gaeltacht Language Planning Area (LPT) is mostly rural, and the whole area is at most 7 kilometres away from the sea.
According to the 2016 Census, 5,372 people lived in this LPT, and 5.3% of this population over 3 years of age spoke Irish on a daily basis.
Language Planning Officer
Mary Uí Bhriain
Language Planning Officer BSG an Chlocháin Léith
Gráinne Nic Niallais
.Lead Organisation: The Lead Organisation that deals with this LPT is Forbairt na Rosann CTR., supported by CDP na Rosann CTR. and Machaire le Chéile CTR. Representatives from these organisations, along with representatives from community-based groups were chosen as members of the steering committee Pleanáil Teanga na Rosann (CPTNR).
Language Planning Committee:
Pleanáil Teanga na Rosann
Forbairt na Rosann CTR
Ionad Theampall Cróine
An Clochán Liath
Co. Dhún na nGall