Féach ar ár físeán
Scoil Surfála Tonn Nua, Trá na Glosh, Leithinis Bhéal an Mhuirthead, Co Mhaigh Eo
Scoil Surfála Tonn Nua, Trá na Glosh, Leithinis Bhéal an Mhuirthead, Co Mhaigh Eo


County Mayo is located on the west coast of Ireland in Connacht. Castlebar, Ballina and Westport are the largest towns in the county.




The majority of the Mayo Gaeltacht is located in the western half of the county and portions of three distinct regions – Tuar Mhic Éadaigh, Acaill and Iorras- make up the Mayo Gaeltacht. County Mayo is a vast county with a low population density. This means that much of the county, including the Gaeltacht regions, have been unspoiled by development. Every region within Mayo has its own distinct features and advantages.

Iorras is located on the north coast of Mayo and is a region of spectacular natural beauty. This region also boasts many interesting cultural and heritage sites including Ionad Deirbhile in Eachléim and the Céide Fields. Mayo is famous as a destination for adventure activities and activities such as surfing, hiking and cycling are available in Iorras and in Acaill.

Acaill is the largest island off the coast of Ireland and it is connected to the mainland by bridge.

Tuar Mhic Éadaigh is located in the south of the county and this region is best known for its location next to Lough Mask and to Tourmakeady Woods.


Enterprise and Community

Among the industries in county Mayo are information technology and communications, engineering, food manufacturing, electronics and natural marine resource manufacturing. In the last several years, new innovative companies that are making use of the many resources of the area including natural resources and the local workforce, have located in Mayo. Some of these businesses are located in the gteic network that is already developed and continues to develop in the Mayo Gaeltacht. Particular opportunities are available in to entrepreneurs in the Mayo Gaeltacht because of its proximity to an international airport and support is available from Údarás na Gaeltachta to locate in any one of the Gaeltacht areas in the county. County and community identity is very strong in Mayo and there is a strong connection with the county diaspora, especially between Acaill and Cleveland, Ohio. This community spirit along with the services available in the county mean that Mayo is a wonderful place to live.



  • The Mayo Gaeltacht has a population of 9,340 (2016 Census) and this is equivalent to 9.4% of the total population of the Gaeltacht
  • The Mayo Gaeltacht has a total area of 905km2. This is equivalent to 19% of the total area of the Gaeltacht
  • Béal an Mhuirthead, which is located 72km from Ballina, 80km from Castlebar and 110km from Ireland West Airport, is the main town of the Mayo Gaeltacht


The N59 and the R313 connect Béal an Mhuirthead with the rest of th county. The N59/N17/M17 connect the county with Galway and Sligo and the N4/M4 connect the county with Dublin


Air Services:

Ireland West Airport, Knock
Further Information: knockairport.com


Bus and Rail Services:

Every part of the Mayo Gaeltacht has access to the major towns and cities of Ireland by bus. Various daily rail services also travel to and from the towns of Mayo.

Further information visit: www.irishrail.ie and www.buseireann.ie


Medical Services in County Mayo

  • Mayo General Hospital
  • Belmullet District Hospital
  • Ballina District Hospital
  • Swinford District Hospital

Third Level Education in the region

Leisure Facilities

Every type of leisure facility and activity is available in County Mayo. For more information visit:





Údarás affiliated groups in Mayo