Client Charter

Údarás na Gaeltachta is committed to providing our clients with a high standard of service in an efficient, professional and courteous way. This charter sets out the standards of service you may expect from an tÚdarás. These standards are in accordance with the Principles of Quality Services for Customers and Clients of the Public Service as set out by the Government in the year 2000. Here you can find the standards of service you can expect from Údarás na Gaeltachta.

Dealing with clients

We will deal with queries quickly and efficiently. We will put clients in touch with appropriate members of staff without delay. If this is not immediately possible, clients will be informed and arrangements will be made to deal effectively with the requirements of the client.

We will make every effort to deal with all complaints promptly and in a courteous manner. If it is found that we have made an error, we will apologise and make every effort to rectify the situation. Complaints may be submitted in writing to All complaints received will be acknowledged within five working days and processed within 20 working days.



We will provide information on our policies, schemes and services in a clear, timely and convenient way (and in a way that will serve people with disabilities) on our website and in print format and this information will be up to date, accurate and in clear language.


Official Languages

In accordance with the Official Languages Act, an tÚdarás will ensure that clients are dealt with in Irish or in English and will be advised of their right to choose to conduct their business through one or other of the languages. An tÚdarás particularly welcomes business in Irish of course, and it has a statutory duty to ensure that Irish is used to the greatest extent possible in the performance by it and on behalf of its functions.



We will hold confidential any information provided to us in confidence, subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Acts.


Telephone Service

We will answer your calls promptly and in a courteous manner within 20 seconds. We will identify ourselves to you, we will provide you with as much information as possible and we will deal with you in a prompt and helpful manner. If we cannot deal with your query immediately we will note the details and will get back to you within an agreed timeframe. We will strive to reply to messages left on our voicemail system as soon as possible.



We will reply to your letters as soon as possible. We will reply in full to 80 per cent of correspondence within 20 working days. If it is not possible to do this an interim reply will be issued indicating when a full response can be expected.



It is our aim that meetings with clients be conducted efficiently and effectively.


Special Needs

We will treat customers with special needs in a courteous manner and we will do our best to provide facilities to enable them to conduct their business efficiently.


Requests relating to special needs should be made in writing to:

Access Officer

Údarás na Gaeltachta
Na Forbacha
Co. na Gaillimhe

H91 TY22

353 (91) 503 100


Enquiries, Grant Applications and Other Assistance

We will make our requirements regarding applications for assistance as clear as possible so that proposals/applications can be processed efficiently and promptly. Additional back up information for applications will be sought in writing except when it is convenient to provide clarification verbally.


Diversity and Equality

We will treat our clients with respect and will ensure that they will not be treated unfairly and that there is no discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, race or member of the Travelling Community or a similar identified minority group.


Health and Safety

In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, Údarás na Gaeltachta has written a safety statement and arrangements to protect the health and safety of all staff and visitors, within its places of business premises, are implemented continuously.


Improving our service to you

We will welcome any comments or suggestions from you regarding this Charter, or regarding any of the services we provide and the way you believe we can improve them.

To assist us in meeting our service standards we will expect that our staff will be treated with respect and in a courteous way and that appropriate information will be provided to enable our staff to provide a high standard of service. We in turn will make every effort to provide that service.


If you are unhappy with the service

If you are unhappy with our service, please let us know. We recommend that you first contact our staff locally to see if they can help you.

We will make every effort to deal with all complaints promptly and in a courteous manner. If it is found that we have made an error, we will apologise and make every effort to rectify the situation. All complaints received will be acknowledged within five working days and processed within 20 working days.



We operate a system to deal with formal complaints regarding our standard of services. Information can be obtained from the Secretary’s Office, or in the case of complaints against that office from the Office of the Chief Executive, in Údarás na Gaeltachta’s Head Office.



We will monitor our service commitments in this Charter to ensure the best service is provided and will publish a statement in our Annual Report.


Contact Details

You may download the client charter above or alternatively contact Údarás at for a printed copy.


Opening Hours

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

A voicemail service is available on our telephone system outside these hours.
