Údarás na Gaeltachta can offer qualifying businesses and companies from various sectors a range of incentives and supports to start up, develop, expand or locate in a Gaeltacht region. Hundreds of companies have established businesses in the Gaeltacht with our help.
Whether you may be thinking of expanding your business into a new area or accessing new markets, developing a new product, or diversifying in a new direction, Údarás na Gaeltachta may be able to assist you.
gteic Gréasán Digiteach na Gaeltachta is a network of 31 innovation & digital hubs.
Údarás na Gaeltachta has a diverse property portfolio.
Ways in which we can offer business assistance.
View case studies of our client companies.
Information on how the Údarás can help you start your own business.
Contact your local office for more information.
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