Údarás na Gaeltachta congratulates Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán on their Galway Wind Park Major Projects Fund award for the Retrofit Centre Project in Casla.

Congratulations to Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán who have been awarded funding

22 September, 2022

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Group holding An Ghaeltacht Glas signage

Údarás na Gaeltachta today congratulated Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán who have been awarded funding by the Galway Wind Park Projects Fund for their Retrofit Training Centre on Páirc Ghnó Chasla.


A total grant of €110,000 is being awarded to the Gaeltacht project by Galway Wind Park and its partners, SSE Renewables and Greencoat Renewables.

The Retrofit Centre will house a fully functional education and training centre; it will also provide knowledge and awareness training to homeowners on low carbon initiatives.

The centre aims to offer training courses to contractors and tradesmen in emerging technologies in the area of retrofitting, such as Solar PV, External wall insulation, Ventilation and NZEB certification (nearly zero energy building), leading to nationally and internationally recognised qualifications.

Máirín Uí Ráinne, Oifigeach Forbartha, Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán, today thanked Údarás na Gaeltachta for their support. Rónán Mac Con Iomaire, Director of Regional and Community Development and Language Planning for Údarás na Gaeltachta said, “We welcome the recognition given to the pioneering work being done by Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán in the area of green energy. This project aligns with the objectives of the Údarás na Gaeltachta’s Gaeltacht Glas policy, promoting the sustainable development of the green economy in Gaeltacht areas, one of the main aims in the Údarás na Gaeltachta Strategic Plan 2021-225. We hope to continue working closely with Comhairle Ceantar na nOileán on the next stages of this worthwhile project.”