A positive connection to the language through exercise! 1356 children across the Gaeltacht are taking part in this exciting campaign
The Gaeltacht Language Planning Officers ran an 8 week program, the Children ‘s Marathon, for students in Rang 5 & 6 in schools throughout the Gaeltacht. This exciting program, run in conjunction with Marathon for Kids, gave children the opportunity to learn in Irish about the benefits of exercise as well as enjoying and benefiting from the current sessions. Such events not only foster children’s self-confidence, the multi-sensory experience outside the classroom helps to make a positive connection with the language itself. 1356 children from various areas throughout the Gaeltacht took part in the campaign and ran their final mile at a special event in December.
When: From 22 October – 11 December
“The children were looking forward to running every day. They enjoyed each other’s company as they ran and talked to each other. A fun and exciting way to speak Irish. ”
—Teacher from An Cheathrú Rua
“The Children recently took part in the Children’s Marathon at Scoil Mhic Dara. They really enjoyed it. They were given a book containing the terminology relating to health and fitness so that they could discuss the benefits of the marathon in Irish. They set themselves a new goal each week, increasing their ability to run and they liked that aspect. Overall the feat was beneficial to them and of course they are proud of the certificates and medals as well. ”
—Bairbre Ní Thuairisg, Parent