
Telegael works with international producers, distributors and broadcasters to develop, finance and co-produce animation and live-action content for the global market. Established in 1988 by Údárás na Gaeltachta in partnernship with RTÉ, the company has taken many forms since its beginning. Within a period of thirty years, Telegael has gone from providing postproduction services to becoming one of the biggest television and live action series broadcasters. Telegael’s productions have spread to over 140 regions around the world and have been translated to over 40 different languages.

Radharc de sheit stiúideo Igam Ogam, léiriú de chuid Telegael, cliantchomhlacht de chuid Údarás na Gaeltachta

How did the Údarás help?

With support from Údarás na Gaeltachta Telegael have made significant improvements to their headquarters in Spiddal, including both a building extension and developments to their post-production film studio, with pioneering image and sound technology. Moreover, Telegael have also been able to add to their design, graphic, colour grading and special effects facilities. As a result of these improvements Telegael have been able to seek opportunities in the international post production and live action film market.

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Ar sheit stiúideo an scannáin beochana íomhá ar íomhá Captain Morten & the Spider Queen, léiriú de chuid Telegael, cliantchomhlacht de chuid Údarás na Gaeltachta