At a special meeting held by the Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta in Na Forbacha on Friday last:
Straitéis Turasóireachta 2007-2010 was approved as an tÚdarás’ policy regarding cultural tourism development in the Gaeltacht. This strategy will consist of:
- The development of six flagship tourism projects throughout the Gaeltacht, consolidating existing tourism projects, and encouraging new projects;
- Supporting festivals and events in the Gaeltacht by providing marketing training, development and public relations programmes;
- Promoting the Gaeltacht as a tourist destination through marketing and offering holiday packages in the Gaeltacht in conjunction with agents and groups in the Gaeltacht;
- Developing an information network in partnership with Co-operatives and local organisations in the Gaeltacht to ensure an extensive information service for tourists and holiday organisers regarding products and services in the Gaeltacht.
- A capital provision of €350,000 was approved for the expansion of Unit No. 2 at Falcarrach Industrial Estate and for its development as a call centre for Comharchumann Ghael Thionscal Traidisiúnta agus Oidhreachta Teo.
- The action plan which an tÚdarás is currently undertaking regarding enterprise promotion in the Gaeltacht was discussed. Investment in a wide range of supports and incentives such as training courses, mentoring, feasibility studies, provision of work and office space, expert business advice as well as partnership with third-level institutions and other development organisations were also examined.