New Development at the Ionad Cuimhneacháin na nImirceach (Emigrants Commemorative Center) in Carna

21 October, 2024

min read

Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, Thomas Byrne, T.D., is visiting Carna, Connemara today for the next phase of development for the Emigrants Commemorative Center. This milestone marks the beginning of construction for two key additions: an Emigrants Memorial Garden and an Interpretive Center. These new features will greatly enhance the visitor experience, offering a deeper understanding of the rich history of emigration from Ireland’s Gaeltacht regions. The Interpretive Center will provide comprehensive insights into the stories and experiences of those who left their Gaeltacht homes for distant shores.

The center offers a deep dive into Gaeltacht emigration through audio-visual and virtual technology. Located on the Wild Atlantic Way trail, it is projected to attract 7,000 visitors in its first year, with numbers expected to rise to 16,000 within three years. Ongoing collaboration with other Gaeltacht centers along the Wild Atlantic Way is in place, with the total investment approaching €1 million.

Established in 2012, the Emigrants Commemorative Center and Gaeltacht Diaspora Committee successfully raised over €300,000 and secured a substantial grant from the Department of the Gaeltacht. The Center opened its doors in May 2018, with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh in attendance.

The center has built an international network of ambassadors and collaborates with centers and groups in North America. It organises international conferences on various emigration topics and conducts ongoing historical, cultural, and genealogical research programs. This development underscores a continued commitment to the local community and cultural tourism in the region.

Rónán Mac Con Iomaire, Director of Regional, Community & Language Planning Development at Údarás na Gaeltachta, said: “This Center exemplifies how Gaeltacht heritage can be preserved and promoted. The new development will greatly enhance the area’s appeal to tourists and benefit the local economy.”

Máirtín Ó Catháin, Chairperson of the Emigrants Commemorative Center Committee, added: “This expansion marks a significant milestone for the Emigrants Commemorative Center in Carna. It will enhance our ability to tell the story of Gaeltacht emigration more comprehensively and provide an opportunity to strengthen our links with the diaspora.”