Máire Uí Laoire from Cill na Martra presented with Gradam 'Lóchrann' Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta

4 June, 2024

min read

Maire Ui Laoire holding an award

Máire Uí Laoire from Cill na Martra, Co. Cork, was presented with the ‘Lóchrann’ recognition award for Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta at this year’s competition. This annual award is sponsored by Údarás na Gaeltachta, to recognise people who have done excellent work for the GAA and the Irish language in their own Gaeltacht areas.

The ‘Lóchrann ‘ is a beautiful piece of bronze art, designed by renowned artist Pádraig Reaney, which showcases two competing players. The award was presented to Máire in recognition of her commitment and dedication to the promotion of the Irish language and the GAA in Cill na Martra for many years.

Tomás Ó Siocháin, Príomhfheidhmeannach Údarás na Gaeltachta said:

“This award shows the respect that the Gaeltacht community, and An tÚdarás, have for people who contribute so fully to their own community and to the language. My sincere congratulations to Máire, who deserves this recognition.”

Máire said;

“I am very proud to receive this award. The Irish language and the GAA are very important in my life and in community life in Cill na Martra, and I always try my best to support them. Thank you again for this award.”