At a monthly meeting of the Connacht/Laighean Region Committee held in Corr na Móna on the 25th of October 2007, Treasa Uí Lorcáin, Údarás board member, was elected as committee Chairperson for the six months ahead.
The Regional Committee met with representatives from Comharchumann Dhúiche Sheoigheach (CDS) and Coiste Pobail Chorr na Móna and the following was discussed
- Various activities within the Comharchumann.
- The Binn Sléibhe walk between Corr na Móna and An Fháirche which is almost complete.
- Plans by CDS to employ a Language Officer to promote Irish and cultural activities in the community.
- Proposals by Coiste Pobail Chorr na Móna for the development and renovation of the community hall
- Plans to organise a farming market in Corr na Móna.
At the meeting, assistance was approved for 11 various projects including:
- Coiste Forbartha Chorr na Móna to assist them prepare a planning application for the renovation of the community hall.
- A new translation services business to be establised in Spiddal
- Gael Linn who are to organise filming and Irish courses in Ionad Fiontraíochta na hEach Léime aimed at transition year students and individuals and groups wishing to learn Irish
The next Regional Committee meeting will be held in Claregalway on the 27th of November 2007.