At an event which was held in Óstán na Páirce today (13 May) Mamie Ní Chualáin, Údarás na Gaeltachta, presented certificates and prizes to students who participated in the shortcourse in Basic Video Skills for Gaeltacht Second Level Schools – Western Region for the 2008/2009 school year.
First prize went to Gairmscoil na bPiarsach, Ros Muc for the best programme for Video Recording (sponsored by TG4).
Eoin Ó Dubhghaill and Kayla Nic Dhonnacha won the best actors awards (actor and actress) and crystal was presented to them both (sponsored by Aseop Teo.)
This was a four day course and the aim was to give a taste of the video industry to second level students. Aesop Teo. organised the course with funding from Údarás na Gaeltachta and 8 schools participated.