There is good news for the southwest Donegal area as well as for the workers and customers of Snáth Kilcarra Teo., Cill Charthaigh in the announcement by Údarás na Gaeltachta that the business is to be taken over by a group of businesspeople with the assistance of Údarás na Gaeltachta.
Údarás na Gaeltachta has approved a package of assistance for the group which include:
to enable them to take over and develop the Snáth Kilcarra business in Cill Charthaigh, Co. Donegal. Údarás executives and the Board and management of the company had been actively seeking new owners for the company for some time. Údarás Chief Executive Pádraig Ó hAoláin said “we are very pleased that our efforts in securing new owners for the Snáth Kilcarra business have been successful and that this long established Donegal yarn brand is being secured into the future.” The new company aims to continue to supply the knitwear and weaving industries in Donegal and throughout Ireland, develop new products over time, as well as developing export markets. It is expected that it will employ upwards of 25 people over the next three years.