Every business is now working toward a greener future by incorporating sustainable practices into their day to day operations. With GreenStart, we’re helping businesses to improve their environmental performance through greater resource efficiency, driving competitive advantage and reducing costs.
Projects may include:
When you have discussed the application with your Development Advisor and you are ready to apply, an application form can be sent to you to complete and submit.
GreenStart is funded under the Climate Planning Fund for Business, which is operating under the Green Transition Fund. The overall objective of which is to accelerate the decarbonisation of Irish enterprise, as part of Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union.
The typical cost of undertaking a GreenStart assignment is €6,300.
Successful applicants may be awarded funding support up to a maximum of 80% of eligible costs capped at €5,000.
The maximum daily fee payable to a consultant/trainer is €900 inclusive of travel and subsistence and all out-of-pocket expenses. Note the actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher.
For more information on eligible activities, download GreenStart Assignment Guidelines (.docx)
Note: Receipt of other grants from Údarás na Gaeltachta may impact on your eligibility for support under this initiative.
Under Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) (2021-2026), projects supporting the digital and climate transition of enterprise are being funded through the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. This covers projects that will facilitate emissions reductions as part of a decarbonisation plan.
All projects supported under the Climate Planning Fund for Business must comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation and in particular with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01). Specifically, the following projects are not eligible:
1 Except projects under this measure in power and/or heat generation, as well as related transmission and distribution infrastructure, using natural gas, that are compliant with the conditions set out in Annex III of the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).
2 Where the activity supported achieves projected greenhouse gas emissions that are not substantially lower than the relevant benchmarks an explanation of the reasons why this is not possible should be provided. Benchmarks established for free allocation for activities falling within the scope of the Emissions Trading System, as set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/447.
3 This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in plants exclusively dedicated to treating non-recyclable hazardous waste, and to existing plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency, capturing exhaust gases for storage or use or recovering materials from incineration ashes, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
4 This exclusion does not apply to actions under this measure in existing mechanical biological treatment plants, where the actions under this measure are for the purpose of increasing energy efficiency or retrofitting to recycling operations of separated waste to compost bio-waste and anaerobic digestion of bio-waste, provided such actions under this measure do not result in an increase of the plants’ waste processing capacity or in an extension of the lifetime of the plants; for which evidence is provided at plant level.
A listing of services providers is published by Enterprise Ireland here Green Service Providers Directory (.xlsx).
A company may select a service provider who is on this Directory or it may select a service provider not on the Directory, in either case, sufficient information must be provided to Údarás na Gaeltachta/Enterprise Ireland to show that the proposed service provider is qualified and has successfully completed similar assignments previously.
Any provider delivering services under this scheme must not be a direct or indirect employee or director of the recipient company.
Údarás na Gaeltachta/Enterprise Ireland makes no guarantees, either explicit or implied, about the qualifications or suitability of individuals on the list of service providers. Údarás na Gaeltachta/Enterprise Ireland will not be responsible for any losses or damages resulting from a company’s choice to hire such a service provider.
Ineligible costs include;
Note: SMEs with an energy spend >€10,000/annum that are not already mandated to get an audit are potentially eligible for €2000 voucher towards an SEAI Energy Audit