Applications open until 7th March 2025
Údarás na Gaeltachta and EMPOWER partner to launch a wider Cumasú programme following on successful pilot in 2023, focusing on female entrepreneurs.
A new programme for female entrepreneurs in the Gaeltacht areas of Mayo, Galway, Donegal, Kerry, Cork, Meath and Waterford is currently accepting applications. Údarás na Gaeltachta, in partnership with the Empower Programme, a free initiative run by the Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Innovation Hubs and the Rubicon Centre at Munster Technological University (MTU) aims to promote and fast-track female entrepreneurship. The ATU Innovation Hub has been and the MTU Rubicon Centre in Cork both have huge experience delivering entrepreneurship programmes in particular female entrepreneurship programmes. This is the first time they are partnering on such an initiative.
Last year 13 women signed up to participate in a pilot Cumasú Start programme which was delivered part-time over 12 weeks by start-up experts. This allowed participants to balance their family commitments while at the same time planning and developing their new business.
This new Programme will have two parts – EMPOWER Start and EMPOWER Grow.
EMPOWER Start is for females with an early stage business idea that they want to develop and grow. This programme will be delivered over 12 weeks mostly online with some in person events. The opportunity is to test start up idea(s) for customer acceptance.
EMPOWER Growth is for female founders in business 18 months plus living in the Gaeltacht areas that want to grow and scale. This programme is based on peer to peer learning with fellow female founders and will take place one day per month.
More information is available at
EMPOWER Launch: Exciting new opportunities for up to 150 Gaeltacht women to start their entrepreneurial journey with the EMPOWER Cumasú programme