Gaeltacht Awards 2024: Call for Community Organisations and Voluntary Committees

24 July, 2024

min read

Údarás na Gaeltachta is seeking applications from community organisations and voluntary committees across the Gaeltacht for the national Gradaim na Gaeltachta 2024 competition. This is an excellent opportunity for organizations to showcase their work and gain recognition for the valuable work they are doing in their own communities.

The competition includes a wide range of categories, including social enterprise, tourism, environment, community social services, work of community committees, and youth initiatives. All organizations and voluntary committees in the Gaeltacht are encouraged to apply, regardless of size or area of work.

Rónán Mac Con Iomaire, Director of Regional Community Development and Language Planning at Údarás na Gaeltachta, said:

“Following the success of last year’s competition, we are very much looking forward to the applications that will come in this year. The standard of applications was very high last year and demonstrated the incredible work being done in our Gaeltacht communities. This year, we hope to see more innovative projects, especially from small voluntary committees working hard in their own communities.”

Tomás Ó Síocháin, Chief Executive of Údarás na Gaeltachta, said:

“We were delighted to receive positive feedback from last year’s participants. The awards provided a platform for projects that had not received much attention before. This year, we are asking every organisation and committee in the Gaeltacht to consider submitting an application. It doesn’t matter how big or small the project is – if it’s contributing to the development of the Gaeltacht and the Irish language, we want to hear from you.”

An Entry Form is available at

Applications will only be accepted through this online application form.

All organisations and voluntary committees in the Gaeltacht are encouraged to consider submitting an application and showcasing their valuable work to the public.